New website


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Dear colleagues,

The PEM department and the EEATS, I-MPEP2 and Physics doctoral schools organize their first joint Scientific Day on October 21, 2021! The goal is to have a large overview of the scientific activity in the departement and doctoral schools  thanks to the presentation of PhD student works. This event will be organized online and chaired by PhD student representatives and official best poster awards will be attributed at the end of the meeting. So, don’t hesitate: save the date!
The organization committee
Guillaume Bachelier, Nicolas Retière, Ioana Nuta, Hugues Bodiguel, Catherine Podymski, Vicky Herbuveaux, Said Sadki
Jumana Boussey, Gael Combe, Olivier Isnard
Chancel Mawalala, Antoine Mertz, Justine Solier
          EEATS          IMEP2          EDPhys


Two types of contributions are planned:

  • oral presentations of 10 min (questions included) in plenary session for "Strategic Research Initiatives" (SRI) and "International strategic partnerships" (ISP) projects that have received funding from a Doctoral Research Allowance (DRA). A few presentation will also be given during the parallel sessions of the doctoral schools.
  • poster presentations preceded by flash presentations (3') during the parallel sessions of the doctoral schools.

For the abstract of your oral or poster presentation, please use the Word and LaTeX templates downloadable through the following link : Templates



UGA          G-INP          CNRS          CEA

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